Saturday, October 6, 2012

What We Have Been Up To: Week Three

During week three of art, we began by discussing Greek art and culture.  We especially spent some time discussing the architecture of the Parthenon.  Student practiced using one-point perspective to draw buildings.  

Later in the week, we discussed the Roman Pantheon and how the round arch changed architecture.  Students began designing their dream home.  We began by drawing them out using pencil and covered over our final lines with sharpie.

They added textures and patterns in the large spaces using crayon and finished the piece with watercolor.  The waxy crayon resisted the watercolor and added interest in the big spaces.  Salt sprinkled on the wet paint also created textures in large spaces too.

The paintings came out bright and full of imagination!  One brave student even used linear perspective in hers!


This student chose to show his house as a floor plan

Do you see the hobbit hole?  

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